
  • Rani R. Kolhe Ph.D. Research Scholar, B.B. Arts, N.B. Commerce and B.P. Science College, Digras
  • Dr. Mukund M. Dhore Professor, Department of Botany, B.B. Arts, N.B. Commerce and B.P. Science College, Digras
  • Pranav V. Gadkar Assistant Professor, Department of Botany, B. B. Arts, N.B.Commerce and B.P. Science College, Digras


Ethnobotanical, Pharmacological, Medicinal Climbers, Yavatmal, Conservation


The Present study focuses on the documentation of medicinal climbers in the Yavatmal district and ethnobotanical and pharmacological significance, a region characterized by diverse ecosystems and rich traditional knowledge. Field surveys conducted from March 2022 to April 2023 documented 25 species of medicinal climbers from 15 families, highlighting their local uses, parts utilized, and ecological interactions. Notable species include Tinospora cordifolia, Gloriosa superba, and Gymnema sylvestre, renowned for their therapeutic properties, ranging from anti-inflammatory and antioxidant to immunomodulatory effects. The study also sheds light on the conservation challenges faced by these species, such as habitat destruction and unsustainable harvesting practices.The findings underscore the urgent need for sustainable conservation strategies, integration of traditional knowledge with modern pharmacological research, and community involvement to safeguard these valuable resources. By documenting and analyzing the medicinal climbers of Yavatmal, this research contributes to the preservation of cultural heritage and the advancement of global health through sustainable use of natural resources.


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How to Cite

Rani R. Kolhe, Dr. Mukund M. Dhore, & Pranav V. Gadkar. (2024). SURVEY OF MEDICINAL CLIMBERS OF YAVATMAL DISTRICT, MAHARASHTRA INDIA. International Educational Applied Scientific Research Journal, 9(12). Retrieved from