
  • S. Yoganand Research Scholar in Management, Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan University, Samayapuram, Trichy
  • Dr. U. Vijayashankar Research Guide, Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan University, Samayapuram, Trichy


Cultural Heritage Tourism, Cultural Preservation, Economic Development, Outpacing, Emphasize, Struggle, Workforce, Retain


Cultural heritage tourism represents a vital intersection between the preservation of cultural assets and the advancement of sustainable development goals. This paper explores the role of cultural heritage tourism in promoting sustainability, emphasizing its potential to foster economic growth, social inclusion, and environmental conservation. The study highlights key strategies and practices that ensure the protection of cultural heritage while supporting community development and global sustainability.

The findings underscore the economic benefits of cultural heritage tourism, such as job creation, infrastructure development, and the enhancement of local enterprises. Simultaneously, the research emphasizes the importance of mitigating the challenges associated with over-tourism, such as cultural commodification and environmental degradation. By adopting a sustainable approach, cultural heritage tourism can act as a catalyst for preserving intangible heritage, fostering intercultural understanding, and empowering local communities.

The paper concludes with policy recommendations to align tourism activities with heritage conservation goals, ensuring that cultural heritage tourism serves as a pathway to inclusive economic development and the protection of cultural assets for future generations.


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How to Cite

S. Yoganand, & Dr. U. Vijayashankar. (2024). EMPOWERING COMMUNITIES: SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT THROUGH CULTURAL HERITAGE TOURISM. International Educational Applied Scientific Research Journal, 9(12). Retrieved from https://ieasrj.com/journals/index.php/ieasrj/article/view/389