
  • Juyel Ali Research Scholar, University of Calcutta, Department of Education


Attitude, Transgender, UG Student, UG Teacher


In this research study, the researcher examined the level of attitude towards transgender between under graduate college teachers and students to identify the significant difference between these two group of people. For the purpose of this present study 200 under graduate college students, where 100 male and 100 female students from different art's and science undergraduate colleges selected for this study. Also 200 under graduate college teachers, where 100 men and 100 women teacher from different undergraduate college of Kolkata,westbengal, are selected for this study. Sample are selected by random sampling technique and data collected by survey method questionnaire to measured the attitude of undergraduate college teachers and students towards transgender people. The collected data analyzed by mean , standard deviation ,‘t' value and analyzed data present in the form of tables. The data interpreted appropriately to reach at logical findings and conclusions. Subsequently it is found that, the under graduate college teacher had favorable attitude towards transgender.


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How to Cite

Juyel Ali. (2024). A STUDY OF ATTITUDE OF UNDERGRADUATE COLLEGE TEACHERS AND STUDENTS TOWARDS TRANSGENDER IN KOLKATA, WEST BENGAL. International Educational Applied Scientific Research Journal, 9(12). Retrieved from https://ieasrj.com/journals/index.php/ieasrj/article/view/386